The Plastic Commitments Progress Report 2022
SKD Türkiye
Global Compact Türkiye
Global Compact Türkiye
Year /
November 2022
Project /
Plastic Commitments Progress Report
Plastik Taahhütleri İlerleme Raporu
Plastik Taahhütleri İlerleme Raporu
Website /
We designed the plastic commitments progress report 2022.
For the second year in a row, we designed the business plastics initiative’s plastic commitments progress report that compiles the commitments of companies in Turkey to reduce the use of plastic, as well as the progress compared to last year.
It was an honor to continue collaborating with Global Compact Turkey, Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) Turkey, and the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD) on this project!

for the second year in a row, we designed the business plastics initiative’s plastic commitments progress report
The plastics commitments report can be accessed from the reports section of the plastics initiative’s own website.
second year in a row →
second year in a row →
second year in a row →
second year in a row →
second year in a row →