Tradition as a Making Tool Project and Booklet Design
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and Booklet Design
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This book is designed with a passion of several creative minds and souls to share the story, discovery and learning of the Tradition as a Making Tool project funded by Creative Industries Fund NL.
“Tradition as a Making Tool | Pop Up Park Istanbul” is a continuation of our research and our findings from the first phase, but now implemented on a larger scale and in a new location. The project has been developed under the influence of the 2020 Covid-19 worldwide pandemic The main question still remains; How can we use tradition as a facilitator to transform monofunctional public spaces into collective, multi-functional, and value-added spaces to create more inclusive, livable, and greener cities?
*This project was created in cooperation with our Dutch partner Space Crafters and CrossChange. We were one of the 4 selected projects from Turkey for StimuleringsFonds Open Call: Turkey, Russia, Egypt, Morocco, funded by Creative Industries Fund NL.

Pop Up Park Istanbul is a research by design and doing project seeking to find an answer to the question of how the public spaces in busy contemporary cities can be designed, programmed, and used.
“Pop Up Park Istanbul” seeks to overcome this problem by connecting the design and use of public spaces with local cultural traditions, bringing the sense of community common in rural life to modern city life. The main objective of the project is to give back public space its true meaning, and its raison d’être to help create a more livable, inclusive, and sustainable city.
Pop Up Park Istanbul → Tradition as a Making Tool
Pop Up Park Istanbul → Tradition as a Making Tool
Pop Up Park Istanbul → Tradition as a Making Tool
Pop Up Park Istanbul → Tradition as a Making Tool
Pop Up Park Istanbul → Tradition as a Making Tool